CSR for Förderverein Ünnern Hollerbusch E.V.

CSR for Förderverein Ünnern Hollerbusch E.V.

WPL RC Official Store has recently supplied 4 RC cars for the charity fund raising in Germany.

Let's hear what Rutger says about the event which is posted on our WPL RC Official FB Group.

Hello everybody! I am Rutger a dutch man living in Germany and a chairman of a charity that collects money for a local kindergarten (Förderverein der Kindertagesstätte Ünnern Hollerbusch e.V).
This money is used for filling in the ever increasing gaps in the budget of the Kindergarten, and are used both for extra curricular activities for the kids, teaching aids, replacing broken toys, in short everything that makes a Kindergarten great.
I would like today take the opportunity to talk about a super initiative that was kindly supported by Edward and Liam from the official store. A new fundraising activity for the charity. Against a small donation, kids and their dads/moms can try to drive over a simple but challenging mobile parcours. Just to give an idea of the parcours, I have posted some picutes of me testing it in the garden. Edward has kindly provided 4 cool cars to enable the charity to start this fundraising activity.
The charity is very grateful to have its own cars and we hope this activity will grow in the future.
The first event were we will be present with this activity will be a village celebration in the area were I live: "750 years of Luttum" near the city of Bremen. Come check us out when you are in the neighbourhood.
If you would like to know more of the work of our charity or you are in Germany and would like to become a member or donate, please contact me.
Thanks for reading through the long text and on a personal note, thanks for all the great posts in this group. I personally own a couple of WPL kits as well and as a newbie, I have learned a lot from all of you!

Part 2

Hello everybody!
Last saturday my charity supporting a local kindergarten held its first event that was made possible with the help of the WPL official store (they supplied the cars).
Many kids tried to "crawl" over a simple parcours for a little donation to our charity. A long line of kids waiting for their turn was the sight at the parcours for the whole event. At the end of the day a tidy little sum came together and the enthusiasm for the event was great. So much so that the event will be repeated on the 1st of September.
An impression of the parcours you can see below, unfortunately I could not post any photos of the kids, due to legal reasons.
Furthermore, the parcours and the cars (and myself 🙂 ) have been booked on the spot as attraction to 2 further larger local events next year. This comes on top of what is already in the pipeline. This will hopefully help collect more money for the Charity. And shows how great the RC hobby is!!!
It was a great learning experience for me, the cars held up brilliantly, the only issue we had was a drive shaft that kept on popping off on the C74 and we lost some trim of the C54 (mirrors and snorkel could not be found). But very impressive performance nevertheless when one thinks they have been driven for 4 hours flat by unexperienced kids as young as 3 yrs old.
Going forward I will introduce timers for the kids to get a better and fairer control to the waiting times and I am hoping we will be able to increase the little fleet of cars, to give more kids a go and I have some back up when one breaks. This event looks like it is here to stay.
All in all a great day and I would one more time really like to thank Edward for giving us this opportunity!
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